Nampa Forest


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A safe and interactive alternative to film clip watching! The award-winning Nampa Forest is a fantastic beginners app and the grown-ups get to laugh along. There is no risk of failing and every game, however played, ends with disco dancing!Nampa apps get their inspiration from the colourful and humorous world of animations. However, instead of watching from the sidelines as the stories evolve, the child will be able to actively participate.
Nampa Forest includes five mini-games. The kids can play with the characters in a field of daisies, blow up balloons with help of bees, do wild jumps into water, catch some funny-looking fish and create crazy outfits for the final party! And of course there are lots of surprises in between.
Key features• Five interactive mini-games • No score counting, the child can not fail• Every game ends with disco dancing!• Charming original illustrations • Quality sounds and music• Easy to use, child-friendly interface• No language barriers; no text or talk in games• No third party advertising• No in-app purchases• Best suited for children under 5 years old • Suitable for Android mobile phones and tablets, version 2.3 or later
We are committed to ensuring your privacy is protected and don’t ask any personal information.
About Nampa Design
Nampa Design AB is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Nampa-apps are designed and illustrated by our founder Sara Vilkko.
App development by Twoorb Studios AB.